

  1. 登入环球大通证券之网上交易系统 。 .
    ( https://trade.globalmsec.com/mts.web/Web2/login/gmm/)

  2. 于登入后,阁下将会看到以下讯息。

  3. 请选择 “现在注册”。系统即会跳至以下视窗。
    请依照此网址中的指示,以QR code形式素描至阁下的智能手机内。
    Apple用户请选择 “iOS用户”,Android用户请选择 “安卓用户”。
    阁下亦可以于智能手机中的下载Apps内输入 “Ayers保安编码”,以便下载此软件保安编码 APP。
    Apple iOS用户专用: Android安卓用户专用:

    * 如果阁下无法安装或使用Google Play商店,则可以直接点击下面的连结下载APK档案并安装在您的Android 手机上。

  4. 当 “Ayers保安编码” 下载完成后,请打开此软件保安编码 APP及自订此APP的密码。 (需再输入一次) 密码长度需为6 – 10位数字。每次开启此软件保安编码 APP都必须输入,请阁下谨记此密码

  5. 然后按左下角 “注册编码” ,输入券商识别代号:GMSL,再按确定。

  6. 此时Apps即会显示以下资讯,请阁下跟据当中的指示输入正确资料,再按确认。
    - 交易系统登入名称为阁下于环球大通证券的帐户号码
    - 登入密码为阁下于环球大通证券的登入密码
    - 然后请按照软件保安编码 APP中的指示,输入身份证文件最后三位数字(不包括符号及括号内的字元)

  7. 完成输入后,阁下将会收到一次性的密码。请开启阁下于软件保安编码 APP中显示的电邮,然后于此处输入,再按确认。请留意,一次性密码的有效期为2分钟。如过了2分钟后阁下仍未输入,该一次性密码将会作废。请阁下于APP中按 “重新发出” 及于电邮中查阅环球大通证券之最新发出的电邮,于软件保安编码APP中输入已更新的一次性密码。

  8. 成功登记后, 阁下可于 “编码列表” 中查阅帐户之一次性密码。请阁下复制此密码。请留意,一次性密码的有效期为30秒。如过了30秒后阁下仍未输入,软件保安编码 APP中会自动显示新的一次性密码。

9. 重新登入环球大通证券 - 网上交易系统,并根据指示输入软件保安编码 APP 上显示的一次性密码登入。


 (20249 23 日生效)

香港交易及结算所有限公司(香港交易所)宣布,自 2024 年 9 月 23 日起,香港证券及衍生产品市场的交易、结算和交收服务及运作在恶劣天气1下将继续如常运作。



  1. 为确保人身安全,在恶劣天气交易日,环球大通证券的办公室将会全日暂停对外开放。
  2. 香港结算股份过户登记处之实体营业点亦会关闭,实物股票提存服务亦会相应暂停。
  3. 银行分行及柜枱服务恶劣天气下将关闭并暂停服务,客户应预早设立电子转账服务,以便在恶劣天气交易日调动资金。
  4. 所有证券交易、结算和交收在恶劣天气交易日将如常运作,客户应准备足够资金履行交收或保证金规定。
  5. 本公司之追收保证金及强制平仓的政策在恶劣天气交易日维持不变。
  6. 在恶劣天气交易日,市场流通性或会较低,市场或会更为波动,客户应密切留意仓位及适时补仓。


如有任何查询,请致电你的客户经理或客户服务热线 (852) 2763 3939。


1 恶劣天气指香港天文台发出八号或以上台风信号或黑色暴雨警告,或香港特区政府作出“极端情况”公布的情况。

Arrangement for Maintaining Trading of the Securities Market under Severe Weather
(Effective from 23 September 2024)

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX) announces that starting from 23 September 2024, the dealing, clearing and settlement service of Hong Kong securities and derivatives market will continue under Severe Weather1.

To align with latest market development and maintain business operation under Severe Weather, Global Mastermind Securities Limited (GMSL) will operate remotely in severe weather trading day. Our service and service quality may be affected. Thank you for your understanding.

On the other hand, we would like to bring your attention to some of the important matters as below:

  1. To protect personal safety, the office of GMSL will not be opened for public in a Severe Weather Trading Day.
  2. The physical outlets of HKSCC and share registrars are closed. The service of deposit and withdrawal of physical securities are not available.
  3. Bank branches and counter services will be remained closed in Severe Weather. Clients should setup electronic money transfer services for fund arrangements during Severe Weather Trading Day.
  4. Under Severe Weather, all securities trading, settlement and clearing will continue. Clients should prepare sufficient funds for settlement or margin calls.
  5. Our margin call and force liquidation policy will remain unchanged in Severe Weather Trading Day.
  6. In a Severe Weather Trading Day, the liquidity of the market may be lower than usual which may lead to a more volatile market. You should pay attention to your positions and timely fulfill margin requirement.

Thank you for your kind attention.

For detailed arrangement for Severe Weather arrangement, please visit our website.

Should you have any questions, please contact your Account Manager or our Customer Service Hotline (852) 2763 3939.


1 Severe Weather refers to the scenario where a typhoon signal No. 8 or above or a black rainstorm warning is issued by the Hong Kong Observatory, or an “extreme conditions” announcement is made by the HKSAR Government.