
Circular to Clients Relating to Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap 486) (the “Privacy Ordinance”)

關於《個人資料(私隠)條例》(香港法例第 486 ) (「私隠條例」)客戶通告


1.     From time to time, it is necessary for Client to supply Global Mastermind Group (the “Group”) with personal data in connection with the opening or continuation of Account(s) and the establishment or continuation of credit facilities or provision of Securities brokerage, nominee and investment advisory service. At the same time, some of the personal data is collected orally or in writing pursuant to laws, regulations, rules or codes binding on Global Mastermind Group.


2.     Failure to supply such personal data may result in the Group being unable to open or continue the Account or establish or continue credit facilities or provide Securities brokerage, nominee and investment advisory services.


3.     The personal data that is collected from Client in the ordinary course of the continuation of the business relationship. The purposes for which personal data relating to the Client may be used are as follows:


a.     the daily operation of the services and credit facilities provided to the Client;


b.     assessing the merits and suitability of the Client for trading and dealing in Securities, commodities, futures, investment and related services and products;


c.      marketing financing services or related products and other subjects;


d.     meeting the disclosure requirements under any laws, regulations, rules, codes binding on Global Mastermind Group;


e.     direct marketing and promotion of existing and future services or products of Global Mastermind Group (please refer to Paragraph 5); and


f.      purposes ancillary or related thereto.


4.     Please note that the Group may not be able to use Client’s personal data for direct marketing purposes unless it has received consent from the Client (which includes an indication of no objection). The Group shall without imposing any Charges on the Client cease using his personal data in direct marketing if so requested by the Client. Any such request can be sent to the Data Protection Officer of the Group.


5.     Personal data held by the Group relating to the Client will be kept confidential but the Group may disclose or transfer such information to the following parties within or outside Hong Kong to the extent permitted by law:


a.     any agent, contractor or third party service provider who provides administrative, telecommunications, computer (including computers servers and cloud-based information technology services), payment or Securities clearing, printing or other services to the Group in connection with the operation of its business;

向本集團提供與業務活動有關的管理、電訊、電腦 (包括電腦伺服器及雲端資訊科技服務)、支付或證券結算、印刷或其他服務的任何代理人、合約商或者第三方服務提供者;

b.     any other companies which form part of the Global Mastermind Group, including its parent company;


c.      any other person under a duty of confidentiality to the Group including any company of Global Mastermind Group which has undertaken to keep such information confidential;


d.     any actual or proposed assignee of the Group or participant or sub-participant or transferee of the Group’s rights in respect of the Client;


e.     any other person that the Group is compelled to make disclosure under the requirements of any laws binding on Global Mastermind Group;


f.      any person with the Client’s express or implied consent;


g.     any person in the event that the Group’s interests require disclosure.


6.     In the course of performing our duties, the Group may, as permitted by law, match, compare, disclose, transfer or exchange any personal data provided by, or hereafter obtained from the Client for these or any other purposes by the Group, with data held by government bodies, other regulatory authorities, corporations, organizations or individuals in Hong Kong or overseas for the purpose of verifying those data.


7.     Under and in accordance with the terms of the Privacy Ordinance, the Client:


a.     has the right to check the personal data the Group holds about him and has the right of access to such personal data;


b.     has the right to require the Group to correct any personal data relating to him which is inaccurate;


c.      has the right to ascertain the Group’s policies and practices in relation to personal data and to be informed of the kind of personal data held by the Group.


8.     Client may in some circumstances elect to provide personal data to Global Mastermind Group via electronic means (such as the Internet or voice recording system). Whilst Global Mastermind Group has used its best endeavour to ensure the security and reliability of its system, the reliability of telecommunications may be affected as a result of unforeseeable circumstances. The Client should therefore pay attention to this when transmitting personal data via electronic means.

在若干情況下客戶可能透過電子途徑 (例如互聯網或話音錄音系統) 環球大通集團提供個人資料。儘管環球大通集團已竭盡所能以確保其系統的保安及可靠性,基於電訊傳送可能出現多種不可預計的情況,電子通訊的可靠性可能受到影響。有見及此,客戶在利用電子媒介傳送個人資料時應倍加留意。

9.     The person to whom requests for access to data or correction of data or for information regarding policies and practices and kinds of personal data held are to be addressed is as follows:



The Data Protection Officer

Global Mastermind Securities Limited

Unit 1201-02, 12/F, West Tower, Shun Tak Centre,

168-200 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong

香港干諾道中168-200號, 信德中心西座, 12樓1201-02室






謹通知本公司自2025年2月11 起遷往至以下地址,同時信德中心西座12樓1201-02室不再有效。





