Hong Kong Investor Identification Regime (HKIDR) Download
Client Identification Data Update Form PDF (293 KB)
Personal Information Collection Statement concerning Hong Kong Investor Identification Regime (HKIDR) and Over-the-counter Securities Transactions Reporting Regime (OTCR) PDF (676 KB)

Office Relocation Notice

This serves to inform you that with effect from 11 February 2025, Unit 1201-02, 12/F, West Tower, Shun Tak Centre is no longer valid.

Kindly note the correspondence address should be:

Unit 1203, 12/F, West Tower, Shun Tak Centre,
168-200 Connaught Road Central,
Hong Kong

All our office telephone numbers, fax numbers and email will remain unchanged.

Kindly update your records accordingly.

Thank you for your kind attention.


Global Mastermind Securities Limited