Fee and Charges for Hong Kong Securities Market
A) 證券交易費用 Charges for Securities Trading
港股 Hong Kong Securities
收費項目 Charges Item | 收費 Fee |
一般經紀佣金 General Commission Fee |
成交金額之0.20%起 (最低 80 港元) 0.20% or above of the Transaction (Min. HK$ 80 per Transaction) |
政府印花稅 Stamp Duty |
成交金額之0.1% (不足1港元作1港元計算) 0.1% of Transaction Amount (Rounded up to The Nearest Dollar) |
證監會交易徵費 SFC Transaction Levy |
成交金額之0.0027% 0.0027% of Transaction Amount |
聯交所交易費 HKEX Trading Fee |
成交金額之0.00565% 0.00565% of Transaction Amount |
中央結算系統股份交收費用 CCASS Stock Settlement Fee |
買賣每邊成交金額之0.005% (0.002%由香港結算收取)(最低 5 港元 / 最高 200 港元) 0.005% of Transaction Amount per side, 0.002% is collected by HKSCC (Min. HK$ 5 / Max HK$ 200) |
財務匯報局交易徵費 Financial Reporting Council Transaction Levy |
成交金額之0.00015% (計至最接近的仙位數) 0.00015% of Transaction Amount (rounded to the nearest cent) |
*暗盤交易收費 (透過執行經紀執行) |
除一般經紀佣金收費外,將額外收取成交金額之0.05% (最低 50 港元) Additional 0.05% of the Transaction Amount on top of the General Commission Fee (Min. HK$ 50) |
滬股通/深股通 China Connect Securities
收費項目 Charges Item | 收費 Fee |
一般經紀佣金 General Commission Fee |
成交金額之0.20%起 (最低 80 人民幣) 0.20% or above of the Transaction (Min. RMB 80 per Transaction) |
滬股通/深股通交易費用 (透過執行經紀執行) Execution Fee for China Connect Transactions |
除一般經紀佣金收費外,將額外收取成交金額之0.05% (最低 50 人民幣) Additional 0.05% of the Transaction Amount on top of the General Commission Fee (Min. RMB 50 per Transaction) |
交易印花稅 (國家稅務總局收取) Stamp Duty (Charged by SAT) |
成交金額0.05% (只收取賣方) 0.05% of Transaction Amount (payable by seller only) |
經手費 (上交所/深交所收取) Handling Fee (Charged by SSE / SZSE) |
成交金額之0.00341% 0.00341% of Transaction Amount |
證管費 (中國證監會收取) Management Fee (Charged by CSRC) |
成交金額之0.002% 0.002% of Transaction Amount |
過戶費 Transfer Fee |
成交金額之0.003% (中國結算上海/深圳收取0.001%,香港結算收取0.002% ) 0.003% of Transaction Amount (ChinaClear Shanghai / ChinaClear Shenzhen charges 0.001%, HKSCC charges 0.002%) |
中國A股代收取現金股息/以股代息Collection Fee of Cash/Scrip Dividend for |
所收取金額之0.5% (最低 30 人民幣) 0.5% of gross consideration (Min. RMB 30) |
其它費用 (只適用於在香港上市的意大利公司)
Other Fees (only applicable to Italian companies listed in Hong Kong)
收費項目 Charges Item | 收費 Fee |
意大利財務交易稅 (意大利政府收取) Italian Financial Transaction Tax (charge by Italian Government) |
成交金額之0.1% (因應意大利政府而不時變更) 0.1%* of the transaction amount (from time to time determined by Italian government) |
處理及繳交意大利財務交易稅之手續費 Handling fee for executing the payment of Italian Financial Transaction Tax |
300港幣 (金額或會因應繳交稅項而衍生的實際支出而變更) HKD 300 (The amount may vary due to the actual cost of tax payment) |
B) 代理人服務及企業行動收費 Nominee Services and Corporate Actions Fees
服務項目 Services Item |
收費 Fee |
交收指示費 (S.I.) Settlement Instruction |
存入 - 免費 Free for Stock Deposit |
轉倉撥出 - 每隻股票 200港元 Stock Transfer Out - $200 per Stock |
股票轉倉指示費 (I.S.I) Investor Settlement Instruction |
存入 / 提出免費 Free for Deposit / Transfer Out |
提取實物股票 Withdrawal of Physical Scrip |
每手5港元 (最低 50港元) (不足一手作一手計) HK$5 per Board Lot (Min.HK$50) (Odd Lot Treated as Board Lot) |
存入實物股票/轉手紙釐印費 |
每張轉手紙5港元 HK$5 per Transfer Deed |
登記過戶費 Scrip Fee |
過戶費每手2.50港元 (最低 20港元) Scrip Fee: HK$2.50 per board lot (Min.HK$20) |
代收取現金股息/股票股息費 Collection Fee of Cash/Scrip Dividend |
所收取金額之0.25% (最低 20港元 / 最高 20,000港元) 0.25% of gross consideration (Min. HK$20 / Max. HK$20,000) |
代收取紅股費 Collection Fee of Bonus Issue |
每手2 港元 (最低 20港元 / 最高 1,000港元) (不足一手作一手計) Bonus shares deposit fee: HK$2 per board lot (Min.HK$20 / Max.HK$1,000) (Odd Lot will be treated as Board Lot) |
代客行使供股權、認股證、認股權證費 Fee for Rights Exercise (Exercise Warrants & Rights subscription) |
行使後每手新股1港元 (最低 20港元 / 最高 20,000港元) HK$1 per board lot of newly exercised/converted shares (Min. HK$20 / Max. HK$20,000) |
申請額外供股權費 Fee for Excess Rights Application |
成功申請後每手額外新股1港元 (最低 20港元 / 最高 20,000港元) HK$1 per board lot of successful application of excess shares (Min. HK$20 / Max. HK$20,000) |
在收購要約下提交股份 / 股份私有化 / 自動行使備兌認股證 / 牛熊證費 Handling Fee for Tendering Shares Under a Takeover Bid/Privatization/ Auto-Exercise of Covered Warrants / Callable Bull Bear Contracts |
所收取金額之0.25% (最低 20港元 / 最高 20,000港元) 0.25% of gross consideration (Min. HK$20 / Max. HK$20,000) |
自動行使備兌認股證公司行動費 Corporate action fee for auto-exercise covered warrants |
每手 1港元 (最低 20港元 / 最高 20,000港元) HK$1 per board lot (Min. HK$20 / Max. HK$20,000) |
申請新股手續費 Handling Charges for IPO Subscription |
現金(經代理人)認購:每單 100港元 Cash Subscription (Through Nominee Services): H$100 per Transaction |
融資認購:每單 100港元 + 借款利息 Subscription through Financing Services: HK$100 per Transaction plus Interest on Borrowed Amount |
強制性補購股份 Compulsory Buy-in |
0.50%沽空金額(以T+2收市價計算),另加手續費每單300港元 0.50% of Short Sell Value (Based on T+2 Closing Price) with an additional handling Fee HK$300 per Transaction |
C) 其他服務 Other Services
服務項目 Services Item |
收費 Fee |
現金帳戶逾期交收利息 (年息)* Cash Account Overdue Interest (p.a.) |
最優惠利率 + 10% p.a. (最優惠利率以中國銀行(香港)公佈利率為準) Prime Rate + 10% p.a. (Prime Rate According to Bank of China (Hong Kong) Quoting) |
保證金帳戶借貸利息 (年息)* Margin Financing Interest (p.a.) |
最優惠利率 + 3% p.a. (最優惠利率以中國銀行(香港)公佈利率為準) Prime Rate + 3% p.a. (Prime Rate According to Bank of China (Hong Kong) Quoting) 違約利率:最優惠利率 + 8% Default Interest: Prime Rate + 8% |
本地特快轉賬 (即日到賬) Local Express Transfer (Available on the same day) |
銀行費用 + 每次200港元手續費 Bank Charges Plus HK$200 per Transaction of Handling Charges |
電滙 (國內/海外) Telegraph transfer (Mainland/Overseas) |
銀行費用 + 每次200港元手續費 Bank Charges Plus HK$200 per Transaction of Handling Charges |
終止支票付款 Stop Payment |
每次300港元 HK$300 per case |
退票 Return Cheque |
每次300港元 + 違約利率利息支出 HK$300 per Transaction, Plus Default Interest Rate Charges |
重印日、月結單 Re-print Daily or Monthly Statement |
以每份50港元計算 HK$50.00 per statement |
郵寄結單 Mailing Statement |
每月收取50港元手續費 HK$50 per month for Handling Fee |
債券交易費用 Charges for Bond Trading |
有關債券交易費用之查詢,請致電本公司客戶服務熱線 (852) 2763 3939。 For inquiries of charges for Bond Trading, please contact our Customer Service Hotline (852) 2763 3939. |
Note 註:
Global Mastermind Securities Limited may change the interest rate according to market condition from time to time
Fees and charges are subject to change by third party without prior notice.
Last updated: 1 Jun 2024
最後更新: 2024年6月1日